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There was a time when I thought the people who succeeded and got what they wanted in life were somehow different from everyone else. I thought success was limited to people who were either born wealthy or who had been given special intellect or talent from God which was not given to the rest of us. It turns out that God is a lot more fair and just than I thought. I now know from observation and experience that people who succeed against all odds have many habits in common; one of the most important commonalities they share is a winning mindset. It’s what separates those who dream from those who take effective action.

A winning mindset is one the most valuable tools available to anyone who wants to experience long-term success. With the right mindset, you can attract and obtain all the other necessary tools. You don’t have to be born with a winning mindset; anyone can develop it at any stage in life. Since it’s such a wide-ranging topic, I’ll limit this discussion to just a few of the areas I believe are key to developing and maintaining the mindset of a champion.

  1. Confidence is key. People who consistently get what they want have no doubt about the possibilities. They have full faith that what they want is in route to them and they often visualize the fruition of their goals long before they have been achieved. They don’t tolerate lingering thoughts of self-doubt. They do whatever it takes to remain confident. Use your imagination and memories of past victories to remind you that you are a champion.

  2. Winners think with the end in mind and create a sound strategy to get there. The route will likely change along the way so it’s up to you to assure that you are still heading towards the end you’ve identified.

  3. A winning mindset is always paired with a positive attitude. This is only possible if you guard and protect your space from all negativity and mediocrity. Surround yourself with positive people who will challenge and influence you to be better. Be careful about what you consume on television and on the internet. Remember, you are the sum total of your closest associates (this includes media). It’s impossible to stay positive and optimistic unless your atmosphere is conducive to positivity. Make it a point to actively seek out ways to improve yourself on a DAILY basis. Having a positive attitude also means practicing gratitude; focusing on what you do have and never on what you don’t.

  4. Successful people don’t use excuses to justify what isn’t being done. They get the results they seek by any means necessary. Let go of your all your stories, justifications, and excuses because they will never get you what you want.

  5. Last but not least, if you want to develop a winning mindset, you have to change your attitude and response to both fear and failure. Winners view fear as something to be conquered. They look at failure as a necessity and precursor to success. Therefore, they never ever quit. It’s not over until the goal is achieved.

The bottom line is you will never join the ranks of winners until you start thinking like one. Don’t expect or even hope to start winning if all your habits line up with a losing mentality. Losers constantly complain, wallow in self-doubt and negativity, avoid fear and failure and are most ungrateful. Winners on the other hand, figure out how to connect with the truth of who they really are. The truth is we are all divinely designed to win. The truth is that you already have the ability within you to accomplish incredible, seemingly impossible feats. The real truth is this: seek and you will find, ask and it will be given. Build a foundation for the things you want by conditioning yourself to become more and the things that you are asking for will find you.

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