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When I was a kid, my biggest prayer was for God to change the deplorable conditions my family and I lived in. I couldn’t understand why everyone else’s life seemed to be improving while ours only ever got worse. I was too young to know that change would happen regardless of my prayers. Good or bad, change is always happening.

There is no such thing as standing still. The earth never stops spinning so as a result, we are either moving up or down, backwards or forwards. Trying to stand still isn’t just self-defeating, it’s impossible. My friend Anthony Robbins often says “change is inevitable but progress is not”. He means that regardless of the actions we take or fail to take, we are still guaranteed to change. But, if we aren’t deliberate, those changes will likely be unpleasant. Since change is inevitable, it only makes sense to do whatever we can to influence favorable outcomes and progress towards what we really want.

People often resist change because they are afraid of the new unknown and aren’t sure if they can adjust to the change and have it work in their favor. So like Les Brown says, they “choose a known hell over an unknown heaven.” But creating positive change does not have to be hard or painful. There are many things a person can do in order to change their lives but I recommend that you start by changing the way you think. You can never solve the problems around you if you keep the same mindset that caused them. You can start the process of changing your thought patterns by exposing yourself to new people, ideas, and environments. Be open to unlearning previous beliefs that have not benefitted you. Here are just a few things you can do to get started:

  1. Read a book about the importance of positive thinking (I recommend The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peele). When you are able to see the best in people and situations, you bring out the best.

  2. Ask a very successful person to recommend a book that changed their life (I recommend Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill ). Read the entire book at least twice and make reading this type of book a part of your life forever. This book will create a complete paradigm shift concerning money, leadership, overall success.

  3. Start attending self-improvement seminars by noted life coaches; you can do this in person on online (Try Tony Robbins, Earl Nightingale and John Maxwell). This will expose you to people who demonstrate the effectiveness of higher thinking.

  4. Find a credible book on financial literacy (I recommend anything by Robert Kiyosaki). This will change your mindset about money.

Don’t fall for the “I’m ok with where I am” trap and definitely don’t settle for a lifestyle you don’t love! Change your thinking, change your life. If you change nothing you will move backwards by default. Anything that is not growing is dead. Instead of hiding from the wind, teach yourself how to station it underneath your wings so you can fly upwards. Dream big and never give up!

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